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Native Last.fm scrobble support


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Hi there,

I really love Poweramp but what really bothers me is that it only has support for SLS and Scrobble Droid. I know that the official Last.fm app can scrobble song with these notifications/broadcasts but they are really buggy. E.g. songs are scrobbled if you listened only 10 seconds of them contrary to the 50% or 4 minutes you need with the offical app and every player on the pc. Songs also get scrobble 2 times if you pause them and unpause them after a few minutes. Since it should be pretty simple to implement the broadcasts for the official Last.fm app I would be more than happy if you could implement them.

Infos for the broadcasts: https://github.com/c99koder/lastfm-andr ... -interface

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there,

today I finally had time to test this and it is still a little bit buggy ;). When I skip a track right at the beginning the track still gets scrobbled as if I would have listened to the full track. Also scrobbling is not resuming after unpausing a track (which is a really good workaround for the double scrobbles with the other two interfaces btw :D). The official Last.fm app works fine in these situations with the standard android music player.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, I can't reproduce the "early" scrobbling with the latest PowerAMP v1.3 and last market last.fm app. Last.fm app clearly logs that it won't scrobble if less than 50% (by default, but it can be configured in last.fm settings) of song is played. But this is configurable in last.fm settings. This is of course for official last.fm protocol.


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