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UPnP Support


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First of all, please forgive my English, I'm French :)

Your soft is awesome, and before anything, I'd like to thank you for providing such a cool app !

Well, I don't know if a feature like that would be hard to be added, but I think a really cool thing would be to add UPnP support to Poweramp...

When I want to play music, I mostly use Poweramp, but sometimes, I'd like to play my music to my Philips Streamium Hi-Fi player. I own an HTC Desire HD, and to do that, I can either use the default player, which allows to choose a player (either phone, or UPnP), thru the "Play to" option, either I use an external app, such as 2player or iMediaShare.

Would it be possible in a future release, to add an option to choose to play the smartphone music either on the phone speaker (normal use) either on UPnP ready apparel ?

Besides, maybe some users would find usefull a full UPnP protocol support (I mean both being able to "transmit" music from the phone, and to "receive" music from UPnP devices.).

Again, I really have no idea of the feasibility of such a feature, but I'd be so cool.

Best regards :)

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