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Protecting Poweramp-created playlists


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How do I prevent Poweramp app updates from "zero'ing out" my Poweramp-created playlists?


If I use Poweramp to create a local playlist on my Android phone, the next time I download a Poweramp app update all the songs from the playlist are removed - I can still see the local playlist name but now there are 0 songs.


I've had this problem for a long time (through numerous app updates over a couple years) but I'm now officially fed up with having to re-populate all my playlists after taking an app update, and am considering looking for a different player app if this isn't a known issue with a relatively simple solution.


Thanks to anyone who has suggestions how to overcome this issue.


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Thanks, but can you be any more specific?


Are you suggesting creating the playlists and then exporting them for external storage? Then, importing these copies when the app update zero's them out?


Have you/anyone else noticed this behavior with app updates and playlists? Is this a known issue, possibly by design? I hesitated to post this in the Bug forum until I had a chance to hear from others whether this might be common or possibly unique to my config. Appreciate any further guidance or suggestion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have found that when the sdcard fails, all your music may not be found and playlists are wiped. This has happened to me several times. By exporting your playlists to m3u format (basically text) you can ensure you do not lose them. My app Playlist Manager on Google Play allows you to create native android playlists which you can export to m3u format. These are then picked up by Poweramp. I have explained it all on my wesite.

Visit http://www.playlistmanager.webspace.virginmedia.com/index.html

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