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I have a samsung galaxy s3 and with my old sdhc cart everything was fine

today i upgraded to a sandisk ultra micro sdxc 128gb and copied my 80gb music on it

ALL mp3 files have perfect tags. everything from album cover to publisher.

but the app wont read them properly.

I got like 2000 songs that are listed as no artist and no album and everything is unknown.

but like 9000 songs are listed correctly



is this a problem of the sd cart or with the app

or is the database size limited?

would be nice to get a solution


(btw: got the newest Poweramp version available)

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I'm having the same problem on my GSM Moto G 4g. I can't seem to find any meaningful difference between the files that show up as undefined artist/album and the ones that have their tags read correctly; all my music is in ogg files that seem to have their tags in the right format, and the tags are read correctly in other players.

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This can happen because tags can't be read or/and invalid (wrong artist name or other mis-information). You can check the tags on any file by using context song menu => Info/Tags.

If tags in that Info dialog are correct, but song is under Unknown category, using Full Rescan (once) from Poweramp settings => Folders and Library will help.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the suggestions, but they haven't solved the problem for me. The tags don't show up in the info window, but I'm fairly certain they're not invalid; I can't find a single other player on Android, Linux, or Windows that fails to read the tags for these files. Also, this is a recent problem - Poweramp used to read the tags from these exact same files without issue, it just seems like some update around the beginning of August broke that capability.

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  • 5 months later...

I have the same problem. For many songs id tags are not shown. The tags should be ok because all other players like xbmc winamp windows media player don't have problems.

Device is an android 4.4 based car radio with extwrnal 1tb usb hdd.

Any news about this issue?

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Same advice as above applies, please could you send a sample of one of the problem files to poweramp.maxmpz(at)gmail.com ? Thanks.

You could also try re-saving a few the MP3 files from a tag editor (e.g. TagScanner on a PC) and see if that fixes the tag problem.


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