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Car setup - change song with volume up-down button


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Hi there,


I often travel by car and obviously - the "unavoidable" part of car travel is listening to the music: either by radio, CD or the mobile. Radio is fine until certain time when you cross the radio wave areas and then need to adjust radio frequency again and again... and again. CD is too small but the mobile - is the "Big" thing - in my case over 2000 songs to choose from.


So at certain point of time I'm getting pissed and instead of listening to the radio or cd - I connect my Samsung Galaxy S5 to my car audio system and listen to the music through Poweramp powers.

And I don't know what your experience is but it is definitely not life's easiest operation to drive and at the same time keep one of the eyes on the mobile case to open it, then press the home button and then ultimately - find the proper button on the screen to finally shuffle forwards and backwards through favourite songs.


So what I'd really propose to add to the Poweramp is basic "Car Setup". It could be a simple tick box in the settings which once enabled - by simple press of volume up or down button would let me (and thousands of others) change the song by a single press of the button.


What do you think? When can you add this option to your great player please?


All the Best,


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