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Widget Standard


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I'm new to android so not sure of the procedure to start a widget.


Long press just brings up choose wallpaper !


I'm Guessing this does not work on Kitkat. Am I correct?


There is a comment on Google play


"This is not supported on Androids 4.0+ and won't work properly there."

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If your phone doesn't allow the quick route to install widgets, open the App Drawer (i.e. where you get a full list of all the applications on your phone). From that screen you can also choose to see a list of available widgets too. Again, exactly how you do this is a bit device dependent, but normally you should be able to either directly click on the widget you want, or press-and-hold to drag it onto a spare bit of homescreen.

Placing widgets on homescreens definitely works on KitKat!

If you still can't do it, let us know exactly what device you are using and I'm sure someone will be able to tell you how to place a widget on it.


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