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External Hard Drive

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I have a question/suggestion.

I have recently purchased a wireless external hard drive so that I may carry more music with me. ( I am a bit on the compulsive side and do not like mp3s, so I have all my music ripped lossless in .wav format)  I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with Poweramp installed (full version). What I want to do is be able to play music from the hard drive with Poweramp. I tried to change the folder settings and the hard drive is not "seen" by Poweramp. It is selectable, but then says there are no files. Am I not waiting long enough? The drive is a Seagate Wireless Plus 1TB drive. I am able to connect it to my phone wirelessly and play music using the Seagate app, or by typing the IP address in the web browser, but I would rather play the music using Poweramp.

Any suggestions?  Thank you.

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