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Genere / Artists / Album

General Zod

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Having used an iPod for years, I'm use to having the ability to select a Genre, and than seeing a listing of Artists who have been tagged as being of that Genre, and then a listing of the Albums by that Artist, once Artist is selected. Will this type of sorting be available in a future release?

By the way, I saw something above v2. Is there a tentative release date?

Great product. Thanks.

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Thanks for the request,

this was already requested and it's in my todo list for v2.0.

Though, there is no entity as artist or album on your sd card - you have separate songs with tags, some can have same artist tag - these will be considered as song by the same artist, but still, genre can be different for the various songs, meaning, multiple genres can have same artist inside (when this will be implemented).

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