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Poweramp doesn't recognize some tracks of ripped album

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I usually rip the mp3 music I'm listening to with my smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S4 mini).

Recently I changed from Audiograbber to EAC for the ripping process.

Now I have found out that Poweramp (2.0.9-build-556-play) doesn't recognize some of the tracks from the EAC ripped albums that are stored on my external SD card.

The preinstalled Samsung Music Player as well as Google Ply Music display all tracks of the albums.

I reinstalled Poweramp and I did full scans but always the same tracks were missing.


Thanks for help!

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I use EAC for my audio ripping (with LAME as my MP3 compressor) and the resulting files are all recognised fine in Poweramp, so I don't think EAC itself is your problem.

In case there's something odd about the ID3 tags, have you tried updating some of the problem files using something like TagScanner?


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No, I haven't. I was just looking at the files with Mp3tag in order to see if there are any differences in the tags of the displayed and the non-displayed mp3 files. But I couldn't see any. I have ripped the albums all at once with the same configuration of EAC and lame.

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