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Remove Songs in Queue After They've Been Played

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I bought Poweramp Pro about a month ago and absolutely love it.  My only gripe is in regard to shuffled songs in the queue.  If I add a certain number of songs to the queue BEFORE playing them, those songs will play without a problem, and without repeats.  However, if I'm playing my queue list and choose to add more songs to that existing list, then songs that have played are repeated.


I'm requesting a feature that will REMOVE songs from the queue list once they've played.  This would solve the issue of that list being repeated when new songs are added to the queue.  I've seen this done on other music players and it's extremely convenient, especially when you're having a party and allowing people to choose their own songs.

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In general, shuffle seems to repeat songs a lot.  I have 8000 songs on my phone, but I can play from a shuffled list and hear the same tunes several times in a day.  Is there some sort of logic built in to weight bands or songs that a user searches for or plays often?  Please just give me the option to play all my songs, shuffled truly randomly, with no repeats.



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Poweramp shuffle logic can't introduces duplications into the current played/shuffled list.
But still you can have actual duplications in the library, or something forces Poweramp to reload the list, e.g. new list is selected, or shuffle mode is changed.

Poweramp has shuffle sessions stored to database. This means shuffle sessions will survive Poweramp reloads or/and
phone reboots, etc.



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