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I have been using Poweramp since 2011: Droid2, some crappy HTC, Droid Bionic, Kyocera Rise and now an RCA RCT6378w2 tablet.

I went back over the news feed on the main website and on September 7, 2012, Poweramp 3.0 was mentioned. Well, why isn't it here?

My RCA tablet isn't officially supported, but since I paid $5 three years ago and Poweramp is a damn fine music player, I keep coming back to the website and Google play to see if the 3.0 update that has been promised several times has been released.

Sorry, this turned into a bit of a rant, but i have sent screenshots of the minor glitches i experience to the dvs and all i get is 3.0 is still in the works.

Sent with RCA RCT6378w2

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