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Albums sorted By Year can't be reversed

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Albums > List Options > By Year correctly orders the albums by year. However if you select "Reverse" the order reverts back to the standard "By Name" order rather than reversing the "By Year" order. 


Although not the end of the world this is a bit of a pain as the standard "By Year" order goes oldest to newest, meaning I have to scroll all the way to the bottom to get at my newest albums (which are the ones I'm actually interested in!) 


I'm running the latest update (2.0.9-build-548-play) on a Huawei Ascend G300 (crap I know!) on Android 4.0.3.

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They are sorted "By year, By title". This means if there is no year, or year is the same, the sorting for that no-year/same year is by title.

Basically, this sorting won't work well if majority of albums/song has no year tag.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Wait what?! That answer has nothing to do with the bug I pointed out!


If you sort "By Year" then your music gets sorted by year (and yes I realise that it can't sort albums with no Year information, that is understandable).


However if you select "Reverse" AND "By Year" at the same time then the sort ignores year entirely for all music and just sorts by title.


Given that "By Year" on its own puts the oldest music at the top of the list and the newest at the bottom, and people are generally more interested in their newest music, this bug is kind of annoying.


Apologies if I'm coming off rude, but I can't really see how I could've explained the bug any clearer than I did to begin with!

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It has always been like this. Reverse order on lists does not work. There's been a thread before and it still hasn't been fixed. Doesn't look like it will ever be fixed. Its pretty annoying.

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