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Salve, vorrei intanto dire che l'applicazione è meravigliosa, ma da qualche tempo si blocca, lo fa sempre e sono costretto a cliccare su play, insomma è diventato fastidioso ascoltare musica dal vostro player.

Posseggo un Samsung Galaxy s3 versione 4.3, ho provato a disinstallare il prodotto, ma niente si blocca sempre e se Voi sarete in grado di aiutarmi bene, altrimenti sono costretto a disinstallare per sempre l'app......

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Thanks for the feedback. I used google translate to translate, so I could get something wrong.

First, you haven't specify Poweramp version. Is this for latest one?


Secondly, we can't reproduce issue like crashing for Play. We test Poweramp on stock ROMs and few CM variants for continuous playing for 10-12 hours, and if any issue, it doesn't go live.


Third, the most common issue (if downloaded from website) is using Intel build like 860550 on arm device. It seems some "other" sites published that build without comments on Intel-only nature of that build. Please install correct build (without 860 prefix).


Also, can you please us Catlog app (free on Play), open it menu => Record => OK, then try to open Poweramp, then open Catlog again => menu => Send => As Attachment => Gmail => to poweramp.maxmpz at gmail.com.
This will capture log with error details.



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