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Minilyrics plugin- an unsung hero


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Minilyrics from crintsoft, which makes use of lrc file, the lyric database is second to none. The important thing about minilyrics is its dynamic lyric support based on current playing positions of the track, even though standalone musixmatch app do support dynamic lyric by default, the function is missing in musixmatch plugin based players. Both the plugin and the integration implementation is awful enough for me to stay away from musixmatch.


Minilyric has got plugins for almost all audio players on windows, but android support is missing on play store as an app or as plugging for any player.


Minilyrics has got an android app on their website as apk file, which is working fine on my moto g with kitkat. I don't know why they don't have an app on playstore in first place. As a player it has got nothing to boast about (its impossible for me to replace my Poweramp with any other), but lyric support is as fine as windows counter part.


Here I am attaching a few screen shots of the player. Please log in to google to view the screen shot. 








Poweramp has brought functionalities I thought never possible on smart phone (assigning equalizer settings to individual track, the function available only on iTunes on windows as I know, Replay gain support etc). I think Poweramp team is powerful enough to make a deal with crintsoft and have the integration on player by default or as a plugin. I am sorry if you feel I am going too much without much knowledge in this regard. Thanks.

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