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Removing ringtones and notifications from song list


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Please tell me step by step how to remove ringtones and notifications. DON'T say Settings/Folders or Library/ Music folders. Once I get there,what do I do? How do I unchecked folders? Please give me the "Complete Idiots Guide" version. I love this app and plan on buying full version with widgets. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Click on Poweramp menu's "Settings".

Then click on "Folders and Library".

Then click on "Music Folders".


In the list of folders that is shown, many will probably be ticked, this means Poweramp can scan them all. You untick any folders that you don't want scanned by clicking on the little box next to the folder name, so the tick goes away. That's all really.


Personally, I find it easier to untick everything (by unticking the very top level) and then re-tick only the folders that I want Poweramp to use. You can use the triangle icons to expand to view the sub-folders if you want to be very specific.



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After I choose the folder that I don't want to play (ringtones and notification) , what then? Filter? If so, how do I do this? This app sounds great and I love it except for this issue. Thanks in advance for your help guys!

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click the : ( 3 dots upper right of screen )


Folders and Library

Music folders


Now This is a list of all folders Power Amp looks for music in. Either uncheck all and then select your music folder, or go one by one on each and uncheck what you dont want.


depending on your phone rigntones are norlmy 6th 7th from last.

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Thanks Andre!mBut just one question. how do you "tick" a folder?

Same way as unticking, just press on the little box next to the folder name to toggle the tick on and off.

Once you've done choosing your folders (click the 'Select Folders' button to finish, or click 'Cancel' to exit without saving your changes) anything with a tick next to it will be scanned, anything without a tick won't be scanned.

Sorry if I'm not explaining this clearly, but it is the standard way to select/deselect items on any app I've even seen, are you new to Android/smartphones perhaps?

(Oh, and you don't need to post the exact same question four times in different forum topics. I'll remove the duplicates for you and merge the replies into this topic)


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