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quick load album.


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When you pick an artist from the folder icon, you must next pick the album. Once you make the album selection you must then pick a song, is there a way to automaticly pick the first song. I just want to go artist-> album->play.


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To start playback from any view level (e.g. an Album title from within the Artists list, just long-press on that album title and select 'Play' from the menu)

Set the Shuffle mode to OFF and Repeat mode to OFF and it should play the whole album and then stop at the end (using whatever sort order you have selected for that level).


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hmm, can this be chaged?  I know of you dont use this in there car, but my n7 is my car stereo and LOL, long pressing the screen, well... "ain't" going to work ;) Setting the single press operation to defult to a user preferace woudl be ideal.

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No, sorry, as far as I know that's the only way it works. It does work OK on my S3 in the car by the way. Single-press of the folder opens the folder (or album/etc), while a long-press gives you the list of menu options. Pretty standard Android functionality to be honest. It's only two single taps though, first to open the folder/album and then the second to play the first track.

You could ask Max if it could be added as an option, but nothing much seems to have happened with feature requests for a couple of years now while he's working on the new audio engine for v3.0.


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long press in a car is near imposible unless you mean holding it? There is now way humanly posible to hold out one finger pressed to a screen while not moving away, up or down. I can do this at a light but not while driving.


Right I understand its not posible now but I though this was the feature request section :) Ok so I guess I was rigbht about features not being considered. Maybe some day...

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long press in a car is near imposible unless you mean holding it? There is now way humanly posible to hold out one finger pressed to a screen while not moving away, up or down.

Yes, long-press as in hold the item for a second or so as opposed to a short tap, then the menu pops up. I don't mean long-press-and-hold while you drag your finger over a list. Try it and see.


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LOL no no no, my tablet is fixed to my car, it does not come off while driving. Its built in to the dash ;) Long press is no good for anyone with this set up.


When I say hold I mean you are physicly holding the tablet and I can not do that.

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my tablet is fixed to my car, it does not come off while driving. Its built in to the dash ;) Long press is no good for anyone with this set up.



Sorry, still not understanding why it is possible for you to use normal taps on the screen that built into your dash, but not to long-press (1 second) the same part of the screen?


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Try writing with a pen in a car without holding the pad of paper in the other hand. Just lay it dash of a car and dont use your palm of the writting hand to anchor the pen. You will NOT be able to write. Same is true with your finger. When the car is moving your finger moves up and down left and right. Once you press and start to hold dpwn you have to be perfectly still for 1 second. Its near imposible. Maybe you have the palm of your hand anchored to somthing?


Either way, its just a request, i'd like to load an album as the defult action. Though as you mentioned I'll have to wait for 3.0 before I can feature will be condiserd.

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what is this wtap? Does that work interchangably ?


Same problem would be present ( but less ). My screen ( nexsus ) is like ice, the screens have very little friction. Also my tablet is down below my hand level. When I touch it, its like at a 15 degree angle.

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what is this wtap? Does that work interchangably ?


By 'two tap', I mean tap once on the album within the albums list, and then tap on the first song to start it playing. That is an alternative method to long-pressing on the album in the list and then tapping on "Play" from the resulting menu.

However, to be honest, if you are unable to easily perform any touch operations on your Android device while driving, then I would suggest the problem is not with Poweramp.

I tend to find that my problem with in-car use is not keeping my finger held on one place on the screen, but having to look at the screen to correctly locate the button/item in the first place.


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However, to be honest, if you are unable to easily perform any touch operations on your Android device while driving, then I would suggest the problem is not with Poweramp.




First, my issue is longpress only ( not touch operations ), second I never said the proble was with PA, I was asking for the defult action to be confugurable.

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