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Still unable to run skins on 4.2 sony's rom


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Since the SDK update, i have update my skins to work with 4.2 sony's rom.

I have a clean build of my skins with 1.2 SDK, they run perfectly on Poweramp EXCEPT on sony's rom.


I think the problem comes from the skin_compat section, but not shure. I've put the original Poweramp app 534 renamed as "skin_compat-debug.apk"


Here is a the path folder of the skin https://github.com/Pdroid/skin_demo


Thanks a lot for your help !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Poweramp sample skins (v.1.2+ - on github) all work on Sony ROMs. Please download 1.2+ Skin SDK from github and update your skin appropriately to match one of the "demo" skins. The most important part is inclusion of sub-project skin_compat APK file, this is used for Sony ROM bug workaround.


The github projects don't include appropriate build results (APKs in skin_compat/bin), so you need to build skin_compat once first, then your skin.



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  • 5 months later...

I'd love pure white (you are the dev) on my KikKat Sony Z1C. I'd even pay you a 'Croissant' because I want to have the Purewhite Red Skin.


So is there any progress in development? Sony just updated to 4.4.4

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