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Delayed Pause/Play Response

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Samsung SCH-R730 (transfix)

Android 2.3.4

Stock ROM


LG LGL86C (optimus showtime)
Android 4.0.4
Stock ROM
BOTH phones running Poweramp 2.0.9 build 534 full version (with unlocker)
the pause/play function has a delayed response, the delay time varies, but typically between 10 to 60 seconds.  I have only noticed this in the fairly recent past, I believe within the last week.  I never had this issue before on either phone.  But is occurring now on both phones.
other (possibly insignificant) information ... i use the samsung as my primary music player at home (home entertainment system plugged into headphone outlet), this phone (samsung) is not actively connected to a phone service, but my software programs (such as Poweramp, etc) are updated frequently via wi-fi connection.  when i noticed this function delay, i thought it was possibly due to the phone being inactive.  So i ensured the Poweramp on the LG (my active phone) was up to date, and it was.  However, it also showed the same delay problems with the pause/play.
with some further investigation, other functions don't seem to have any delay in response time.  only the pause and play (seems to have greater delay response with pause function than with the play function).


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I've been having the same problem, the play delay the last few monts on both my phones.

Sony ericssn Xperia Mini Pro (sk17i)

Android 4.0.4

FreeXperia CyanogenMod 9.1

Motorola Droid 4 (xt894)

Android 4.3 & 4.4

CyanogenMod 10.3 & 11.0

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