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ogg vorbis embedded album art not displayed

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Album art embedded in ogg vorbis tracks (vorbis comment tags) is not displayed by Poweramp. If I include the folder.jpg file in the album folder, it is displayed just fine, but that is not how I have organized my music files. Embedded art of the same size (500X500 jpg) works just fine in mp3 and flac files on Poweramp.


Through trial and error I have found that it seems that Poweramp does not support embedding cover art in vorbis files using the METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE field. However it does support the unofficial COVERART field.


See http://wiki.xiph.org/VorbisComment for info reguarding currently recommended comment fields


The software I use to embedd cover art (foobar2000 and mp3tag) uses the recommended METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE field. I found that Tag&Rename produces the COVERART field.


Verizon Galaxy S3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, this has been a known issue for a long time. It's been reported in several other threads for at least two years. But there hasn't been a fix.

Thats interesting, is there a way that one could batch recode (right terminology?) all of ons Ogg files to use the COVERART field? (I haven't used Tag&Rename paidware in awhile so can't remember).





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  • 2 months later...

Thats interesting, is there a way that one could batch recode (right terminology?) all of ons Ogg files to use the COVERART field? (I haven't used Tag&Rename paidware in awhile so can't remember).





I tried this, you have to remove the correct album art and then re embed it again with Tag%rename. Tiresome. If anyone knows a way to batch it let us know. In the meantime I will be ditching power amp as my preffered media player until their devs pull their fingers out their asses and address the 3 year old bug....

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