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Crossfade options


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I've seen a few threads about a more configurable crossfader, but none of them seem to have been answered or acknowledged by a Mod or anyone representing Poweramp.



I'd like a crossfader with more options ala Winamp. Being able to set both the fade-in and fade-out time and thereby being able, if so desired, to disable fade-in entirely and also to shorten the fade-out time etc.


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Well I'm not in the know on the development front I'm afraid (I just volunteer to help clear out the spam!), but more customisable crossfading seems like a good idea to me too.


Also, I'd like to see an option for a 'trigger threshold' for crossfades - so the next track would commence playing once the previous track's level dips below a certain value during a natural fadeout. That would prevent the nasty crossfade effect that happens when you force a 5-second fade onto a track which has a sudden finish. It would even be possible to have a similar setting to adjust the timing of the in-point of the new track, to take account of cross-fading in to slow-starting music.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am looking for that too.


I like to set the following parameters:

  • Fade-Out: Time to fadeout the previous song, starts before song end. Nice to have would be an additional option to suppress fade-out if the song already ends with a fade out
  • Start-Level OR Start-Time: The volume level resp. the time before the previous song ends, at which the next song will start.
  • Fade-In: Time to fade in the next song.


I think if you omit the suppress-fade-out and implement the start-time, there is no need for analysing the ending song.

If you implement suppress-fade-out or start-level it is necessary to analyse the end of the ending song.

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  • 1 month later...

Crossfade should have the previous song fading out as the next song starts at full volume.    Optionally, in addition you need a setting for the duration of overlap of two audio files and the rate of fade in (0 to 5 seconds) and rate of fade-out (0-5 seconds)    As a former radio programmer something like a 3 fade out with a 3 second overlap and a 0 second fade-in would cover most situations but maximum flexibility would be nice.


I'd like a crossfader with more options ala Winamp.



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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Almost 2 years since I first posted on this subject, so I thought I'd check in.

Unbelievably, nothing's happened.

I wouldn't mind a comment from someone in charge or on the developement team as to if this is just never, ever going to happen?

I'm not a programmer, but is this really that difficult to implement?

I'm pretty positive that I'm not alone in thinking that this would be a nice addition to the settings.



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There have been no major feature updates implemented over the past couple of years as, apart from bug fixes and related tweaks, pretty-much all development work has been going into a completely new audio engine and underlying structure for v3 of the app. After that has been released, UI and feature changes will be looked at.


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