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I change a new phone,It have no Google Play in it,So I can't use the Poweramp!!

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SoS~!Help! I already buy the Poweramp some month ago,

But I change a new phone now,Sumsung s4,It have no Google play in it,

I try to install the Google service but it's not fine,

So I can't use my Poweramp!!!

What can I do now??



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Strange!? Try go to "Settings/Apps" Then try to find Google Play Store from that list of Apps.  If you can locate the Google Play Store from the list, check if you have accidentally disabled it.  If so, just press the enable button then go back to the Apps screen (not home screen as it may not appear as a shortcut) to find if Google Play Store appear again.

Hope this help.




Hong Kong

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1. Log in to play.google.com on your computer using the primary Google account registered on your phone.

2. Search for and install Poweramp Music Player (Trial) as well as Poweramp Full Version Unlocker.

3. Enjoy Poweramp!

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  • 5 months later...

im in the same situation. whiped google's android so no google play.

i have previously bought the unlocker (via google play), and i'll happily

buy it again if it's possible some other way.

play.google.com displays "Poweramp fill version unlocker" as "Installed",

and there's not anything more to be done from there. Are you supposed to

be able to "download" it from play.google.com and then transfer it manually

the way i installed the basic player?

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Well, if you wiped Android and put another OS on there, you won't get Poweramp anyway, as its only for android.


If you're talking about putting a ROM on there (like CM or something similar), there is usually a package containing the google apps that you also have to flash. ROMs can't directly contain them legally since they haven't gone through Google's certification process. If this is the case, check with your ROM maker about which package to install.

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Yeah it definitely sounds like you've flashed a new Android ROM but haven't installed Google apps. Search for Google apps (sometimes called gapps) and make sure you get the version compatible with your version of Android. It should be a zip file. Flash that and you have the play store. An easy way to check of you already have gapps is to check if apps like Gmail and Maps are installed, if they're not then you don't have gapps and need to download it.

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