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not sure if this is a bug or a feature request

my sdcard has a big second ext2 partition where i store my music and video files. this partition is mounted by link2sd app to /data/sdext2

The problem is that Poweramp does not see it..

The solution would be (like many other apps allow) to have a field where user can manually input the location of the folder that should be scanned for audio files, in this case "/data/sdext2/"

other than this... i do not (wont) have Google Play... it is unclear to me whether the app will work after the trial period if i buy it.. i have bought some apps that do not requiere google play, they contact the developer's server and it works perfectly.... can Poweramp also work this way?

Thank you

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There is such an option in settings.

I think the problem is that you can't currently see the whole of the file system on your device, only certain top-level folders are visible. You could create a virtual (symbolic linked) folder to the external device I guess.


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