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Lock screen Incomplete display!


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I am Chinese!When the system time 12 hours,Lock screen Incomplete display!

as shown in the figure,The circle section

Poweramp 2.0.8-build-521 is Normal display:

The picture link:


Poweramp 2.0.8-build-523 is Incomplete display:

The picture link:


I am not allowed to use that image extension on this community!So please open the picture link!Thanks!

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Sorry, but I don't see any issue here, what's exactly wrong? We changed the font, but the label seems to fit.


Chinese:“上午/下午” mean English:“AM/PM

AM/PM is Normal display,but 上午/下午 is Incomplete display!

Please Software language changed to Chinese for test!I am not allowed to use that image extension on this community!So please open the picture link!Thanks!

Step1:Changed to Chinese

The picture link:http://p13.freep.cn/p.aspx?u=v20_p13_photo_1302241738256358_0.jpg

Poweramp 2.0.8-build-521 is Normal display:

The picture link:http://p13.freep.cn/...740378603_0.jpg

Poweramp 2.0.8-build-523 is Incomplete display:

The picture link:http://p13.freep.cn/...741239482_0.jpg

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