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Folders Selected for Scan


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Even though I have only selected my Music folder (/sdcard/Music) on my SD card for scanning, every audio file in my SD card shows up in the library (game sounds, etc...).

How can I set Poweramp to only see my Music folder to populate the library?


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The Library is Android system library, it's managed by android itself, so it understands only standard music locations.

This may change with the addition of custom Library for PowerAMP v2.0 where I will resolve this and some other system library limitations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess this is what I'm looking for.

I've installed some games (gameloft games to be exact) which include hundreds of ogg files. I'll never listen to these in Poweramp, but the app indexed them. I guess this is android's fault.

I'll wait for 2.0 for custom libraries. Although, this is quite annoying to have hundreds of audio files in my library I never listen to.

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Folder scan is Poweramp internal scanner which works for folders only. You need to trigger system media scan - it will happen after sd card mounting or on phone reboot (which will do sd card mounting in process).

Forgot to update my reply above. After unmounting and remountind the SD card, all the folders with .nomedia disappeared.



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BlueOrder, I have the same problem with all the songs from my downloaded games showing up in the Poweramp Library. Can you explain exactly what you mean by "adding a .nomedia file in the game folder"? Thanks

No problem. If you don't want a folder to be scanned, just add a blank text file named ".nomedia" to it (no extension).

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