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3x2, 4x3 widgets and default skin designed for 7inch tabs


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Hi. First of all, great player. Nothing compares to it. Can you please add 3x2 and 4x3 sized widgets for my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0? I don't know about other 7" tabs but the widget dimensions currently available do not fit the homescreens very well and they get messed up when rotating the screen. Also, a neat jellybean theme would be awesome. There are currently several skins available but none of them are as perfect as your default skins. For instance, the stars are out of place in Poweramp ICS Skin, etc. The default skins looks awesome on phones but when it comes to the 7 inch screens of a tab, it leaves a lot to be desired. Whatever you guys decide, I'm still very happy for your player. Thank you Poweramp.

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