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Poweramp integration with cloud storage


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I have been sporadically using Poweramp on my android devices for few years now. Recently i purchased Droid DNA and earlier Nexus 7 (both 16gb storage size devices) and installed Poweramp and straight away started noticing its limitation on these new and upcoming popular devices.

My one and only gripe about Poweramp on these new devices (like Droid DNA, Samsung S3 & Nexus 4 & 7) is their limited internal storage (these devices do have SD card support). It becomes almost a wasted app on these otherwise awesome devices. Unless Poweramp comes up with cloud integration solution, its practically useless on these newer devices. Don't get me wrong, I love Poweramp and its capabilities but with limited storage space on our handsets and given the size of my music library (which is close to 20 gb), its practically impossible to use Poweramp unless its has some capability to read music from my cloud storage such as Google Drive (which is where the future of these devices is heading). Atleast, Poweramp should be integrated with online streaming servers like Subsonic. Subsonic which has an open API, I presume it shouldn't be that difficult to integrate.

Poweramp folks, any plans in this regard?


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Not quite sure how you're defining "limited storage"... but my Samsung S3 has 16GB on board, plus another 32GB on an SD card. Works for me. However I agree cloud options would be nice.

My full audio collection is over 140GB by the way (not all of which I want to carry around with me) so the cloud really is not any kind of sensible option until upload speeds get a LOT faster and decent data bandwidth gets a lot cheaper than a basic 32GB SD card.


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