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Album Problem M83-Hurry Up We're Dreaming(FLAC)

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Hi so I recently put on my Galaxy S3 the M83 Album Hurry Up We're Dreaming. It's a 2 Disc album and power amp has problems with this. My default music player on the S3 has no problems whatsoever but on Poweramp it will split it into 3 albums.

It's supposed to be just Disc 1 and Disc 2. But Poweramp randomly created a 3rd album with some songs from both 1 and 2 in it. And yes the songs that are placed into this 3rd "album" are missing from the Disc 1 and Disc 2 albums. Not sure why this is and how to fix it.

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Check the complete tags of your songs and make sure it's the same thing for all (including album picture, it has to be the same picture for all (not very sure about that)), if the problem isn't solved try to rename them from scratch using a tag tool like mp3tag (it's pretty easy with it)

I'm pretty sure it isn't a Poweramp problem since i had some of these and it was solved after a rename

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