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Re: TODO list/features in progress


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Hi, I'm glad to see that ratings is coming with version 2!!

Have you any plans yet with regards to the mechanism with which Poweramp's users will synchronize their ratings with their PC? If not, I have an idea to propose:

Suggestion of a Ratings and Synchronization System:


You don't have to do like Apple or DoubleTwist and write your own PC Music Player to manage ratings, playlists and synchronize with the phone. You can go with Songbird which as far as I'm concerned is far superior to either doubleTwist or iTunes. It has the ability to export and import iTunes Libraries. It takes extensions that would be quite straight forward to write. You could just write a Songbird extension that synchronizes Music Files, Pictures, Videos, Playlists and Ratings with Poweramp on the Android Phone. The ratings can be stored in an SQLite file on the phone. There are extensions that are already on the Songbird market that are open source that you can potentially modify the code to come up with 80% of the code you need (if you accept the terms of GPL). The first is called FolderSync, it syncronizes Media Files with directories that the users already specify. It also writes m3u playlists. The second is called RatingFile, it exports the Ratings of the Songbird library to a srf file. Potentially, you can combine these two codes to come with something specifically tailored for Poweramp. Songbird is available on Windows, Mac and a Linux version of Songbird called Nightingale is in the works.

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