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Replace Default Lock screen with PA Lockscreen


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I feel bad about being one of those whiny guys asking for more(especially when this app is worth every penny) but is it possible to get more Lock screen widgets? Like maybe like a 4x2 that has the clock replaced by text messages when i get them? And If its not too much trouble but even when the player is not playing keep the Poweramp Lockscreen Widget as the lockscreen?

You guys nailed it with this app.

- Ry

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  • 3 years later...

This is a feature I'd love to have as well. I want to fully replace my lockscreen with Poweramp. Your music player is so good that I want it to almost fully take over my device. Also, some options for the layout of the lockscreen and features you want to show/hide (next album buttons, ratings, etc.).


Hopefully you great folks can implement this.

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