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CyanogenMod - DSP Manager?


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Since in http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/3268-htc-one-x-static-after-a-while-of-playback/ I've concluded that Poweramp's EQ and Stereo Expansion is bugged, I was looking for other ways to include DSPs. I see that CM has got DSP manager, and I tried disabling DVC and see if those have any effect -- it doesn't. Am I missing something?

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Since in http://forum.poweram...le-of-playback/ I've concluded that Poweramp's EQ and Stereo Expansion is bugged, I was looking for other ways to include DSPs. I see that CM has got DSP manager, and I tried disabling DVC and see if those have any effect -- it doesn't. Am I missing something?

If you're using ICS you have to go to the sound settings and choice which effect software you want your phone to run with.

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Really? It's been in every ROM I've flashed on my ICS/JB device... If that's not there then I don't know of any way to solve this issue for you, I would try emailing customer service to see if they can offer you some other advice that I haven't.

Sorry for not being too much of help this time and I hope your issue gets solved!

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Any alternatives?

Volume+ is the only alternatives I can think of but I'm not sure what features it has. If you switch to DSPMan in the settings then turn off Direct Volume Control. That should work, if not, then maybe Poweramp really doesn't work with DSPMan. It works with Volume+ I know that.

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