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Three button headset control

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First: congratulations for your work developing such a serious and professional app. What a piece of art!

My request: many people had three button headset (I´ve got soundmagic e10m, an awesome headset by the way) and I just can use its control to play forward and pause, also I´ve got some issues answering or making calls. I know its built for apple, but I buy it anyway.

I think...I beg you...make your app work with this kind of headset on android!!

Please consider this.

Thank you Very Much!!

pd: I´ve own a Motorola Defy

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That's just it, it's made for Apple. Apple owns rights to the functionality of changing songs back and forth using a headphones controls, so Android manufacturers cannot built their phones to have such a feature and so we cannot make Poweramp compatible. Sorry. I would love this feature as well, but it can't happen on Android.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not true. Both HTC and Samsung headset cables provide three-button controls for Play/Pause, Forward and Back (although Samsung software uses them for Play/Pause, Vol+ and Vol- by default, but that's easily changed though). Given that those two manufacturers make up the vast majority of Android phone sales now, I'd suggest this is now the de facto standard for Android headset cables.

The internal electrical design is a little different from Apple's implementation though, which is why iPhone headsets don't work correctly for track control when used on Android devices.


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Apple swapped two of the four contacts of the plug. You can notice that apple headsets sounds less loud on android phones unless you press the middle button, then they gets louder too. You can read dtails about the changed pin-layout here: http://forums.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-s-iii/189523-final-soultion-why-most-headsets-wont-work.html

Simply use an adapter to change the layout back to android style. For example I use this one: http://www.amazon.de/dp/B006SECMM6 with my shure 3-button-apple-style-headset-cable on Galaxy S

But this adapter don't bring the outer headset-buttons to function, only the middle button is working and the normal sound level is back. I tried to use apps like "Headset Button Controller" or "Headset Droid" and always found the outer buttons are still not working. It seems to be another hardware issue beyond the swapped contacts.

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Yeah, well it gets complicated with all these different implementations to really find the right one and make it work. The trend for headsets that are made for Android seem to end at a single button pause and play.. that's why we added the double/triple click options in the settings.

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