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Library / Now Playing buttons in player UI

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For new users to Poweramp, it might take them a while to figure out how to get back to the library or the list of songs that is currently playing. When I let other people borrow my phone to use the music player, they can never figure it out since it is so unintuitive. It requires that you either press the song name in the player UI, or press the menu button > folder/library. It would make the experience much better if there were two buttons on the top of the Player UI screen: one leading back to the main folder/library screen, and another leading back to the specific list of songs currently playing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree. Perhaps the same 3-button design as when in the library, folders, equ, etc?

That'd add a bit too much on the player screen. We want to make Poweramp more simplistic in design with less buttons so we are refraining from things like that but we have other ways to solve these issues.

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