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Batch editing or a Built in file explorer maybe

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sorry if this is a retread im dealing with wimax which is so slow im not gettin whole pages loaded but what about addong a batch edit type feature? sonething to make moving songs into correct or new folders a bit easier. getting my 44gb collection on my phone sorted properly has been going at a turtle like speed lol also just kinda a cherry on top, ever consider like a generic diy skin theme type deal? sonething not too fancy but where people can change up colors and stuff on thevplayer themselves. seen alotvof peoplw on market conplaining to decs bout colors being off. dont care much myself but thonk tbere may be a buck to be made tbere

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sorry if this is a retread im dealing with wimax which is so slow im not gettin whole pages loaded but what about addong a batch edit type feature? sonething to make moving songs into correct or new folders a bit easier. getting my 44gb collection on my phone sorted properly has been going at a turtle like speed lol also just kinda a cherry on top, ever consider like a generic diy skin theme type deal? sonething not too fancy but where people can change up colors and stuff on thevplayer themselves. seen alotvof peoplw on market conplaining to decs bout colors being off. dont care much myself but thonk tbere may be a buck to be made tbere

I'm sorry, but I don't follow on what you're requesting.

Please re-state the question.

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