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Group by album artist / compilation support

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Sorry if I'm the hundredth person to request this, but after moving to Android from iOS (which admittedly took far too long to implement it on their end too), one thing I definitely miss is being able to primarily display album artists for compilations. As such my artists list is cluttered with artists that only have one song in my library. Being able to hide these would making browsing much faster.

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  • 1 month later...

All I want to see is a checkbox in the settings that reads "prefer album artist for sorting". That way the Artist view in the Library won't be cluttered, but actually viewing an individual track will show the artist tag with the "feat. WhoEver", etc. If there is no album artist tag, then use the artist tag as is the case presently.

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  • 9 months later...

Thanks, Andre!


Not trying to be a spammer. I'm just a big fan of Poweramp and am trying to point out the number of threads all asking for the same functionality. We've been waiting on this a long, long time.


Thank you for the heads-up.

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The way XBMC works is the "Artists" list is populated using the "Album Artist" tags from the MP3. They also have an option to hide artists that only appear on compilation.

I'd really like to see this implemented (at least as an option, for "Artists from Album Artists").

Hopefuly 3.0 isnt too far, cause this is a big annoyance for me. Having to maintain a properly tagged (with MusicBrainz Picard) library and a duplicate library with "simplified" artist tags so that i can copy it to my phone (using a 64gb sdcard for music, full). 

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  • 2 weeks later...

You are hundredth person, all in separate posts ( I don't know why), but yes we are going to work on this for 3.0 :)

I was one of the hundreds and just want to point out that there should be a solution that satisfies all users coming from different players that have their own implementation. Let me repeat what i already suggested:


In case of mp3s there are three different ways:

  • 1. itunescompilation tag (iTunes)
  • 2. TPE2 frame (WMP, Media Monkey, ...)
  • 3. TXXX frame with header: ALBUMARTIST or ALBUM ARTIST


In case of other file formats and their tagging standards (Vorbis Comment, APE, ...) the system is similar to point 3. (see above)


I think you could implement for mp3s f.e. a system of fallbacks that wouldn't require no option:

look for itunescompilationtag -> if not present look for TPE2 frame -> look for headers ALBUMARTIST or ALBUM ARTIST in TXXX-frames.


If even in TXXX-frames no album artist tag is present the last (then optional) fallback could be: group tracks under "Various artists" that are in the same subfolder.


It seems to me that that would be a very good implementation that just would work and wouldn't bother user to check dozens of options

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  • 2 weeks later...

me too.  Album artist is the single most important tag.  If you walk into a music store and you want to find an album by  Beethoven,  that is Album Artist.   The artist is just the person who performed the work.  For compilation albums, this is even more important.  Grouping by artist is bizarre.

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