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Current song on "default" playlist on long press headset


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An intensive use of Poweramp made me though that should be very helpful the ability to save the current playing song in a pre-selected playlist without have to take the device, unlock it and choose the right menu button.

I always use headset button and have a 16gb sd card, and so I have a LOT of music: create a playlist on-the-go, while driving, working, walking or running, without an "active action" (forgive the word joke ;) but long pressing the button on the headset, will be very useful.

Perhaps, it can became a customizable option (just like the "Use double pressing instead of long-press for skipping").

Maybe someone else can consider this useful too ;)

Hi Max and thank you again. Proud to had bought your great app.


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Thanks for the request.

There is no "current" playlist in PowerAMP, unless you actually playing some playlist, as PowerAMP doesn't not need to create additional list just to play files/songs from library.

I think, when configurable headset buttons controls will be added, it will be possible to assign button action to things like "bookmark" or "5 stars" current track to easily organize them later.

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