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Sort by track and album?


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Hey all I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something here...

If I select an artist from the library and then select "play all", and the artist has multiple albums, when it plays its plays the first track of each album, then the second of each album, and so on...

Is it possible to get it to sort so that it plays track 1 of album 1 then track 2 of album 1 and then move on to the second album etc..?

Awesome Player!


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aaaaannnd I see its in the todo list..

"- add to playlist from album/artists sorted by the albums, not by just songs properties"

my bad..

hopefully this is implemented soon, Maybe if I say ppplleeeeaaassseeee! :)

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It's implemented in current builds and it will be in the next update to the market.

This is coming with the "artist albums" support (Not exactly artist albums as in Apple products, but it will display and play only the artist's songs in albums when navigated via Artist => Albums).

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