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How can I play from external media like smb -folders


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I tried to find the smb shares in the LAN , but it's not reachable.

I tried to play from ASTRO File manager, but Poweramp does not open on musik files when I clicked on the file here.

may be I need to generate a link in the filesystem?

But how?

Desire HD,andriod 2.2,

ARCHOS 70, android 2.1

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Is this still in the pipeline? I have a card full of music for when I'm out and about but to be able to play music from my NAS or create playlists pointing to the NAS files would be awesome.

I tried to create a playlist from my NAS music folder using astro but although Poweramp shows X files in playlist, when played using Poweramp or the default player, it states the playlist is empty. :(:(

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