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When trying to play music through voice command, with the exception of one album I always get "sorry, something went wrong", or else it just starts playing the alphabetically first song from the album, followed by all songs on the device in alphabetical order. 

When I look at the last processed commands, in both cases it seems fine. Here's an example of a request that failed:




07:46:19.701 DataCmdExecutor handleSearchAndPlay


android.intent.extra.artist=The Prodigy String

query=music for the Jilted Generation String

android.intent.extra.REFERRER_NAME=android-app://com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/https/www.google.com String

android.intent.extra.album=Music for the Jilted Generation String

android.intent.extra.focus=vnd.android.cursor.item/album String



and here's an example of a request that succeeded:



07:53:34.838 DataCmdExecutor handleSearchAndPlay


android.intent.extra.artist=Infected Mushroom String

query=classical mushroom String

android.intent.extra.REFERRER_NAME=android-app://com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/https/www.google.com String

android.intent.extra.album=Classical Mushroom String

android.intent.extra.focus=vnd.android.cursor.item/album String



version info:

  • Poweramp version build-988-bundle-play [988004-e8e25769] Full version 64bit
  • Google Pixel 71
  • Android version 15, build number AP3A.241105.007

steps to reproduce:

  • Say "Ok Google, play <album name> on Poweramp"


Edit: have emailed logs from the app

Edited by stephenhogg

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