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It would be great if we can adjust lyric on-the-fly just like old crintsoft music player/minilyric could do. 


So many lyric needs to be re-sync. 


Or even better if you provide community base lyric library so each user can matched the song with the lyric library just like movie subtitles website library. 

There is a Feature Request to allow lyric tags to be edited in the same way that other tags can be changed, but most likely you'd need to provide the content yourself (or cut'n'paste it from a third-party app, such as those already supported by Poweramp for lyric display).

But adjusting the timecodes of synced lyrics on-the-fly during playback is well beyond the remit of a Music Player, and you'd need to be looking for a dedicate Lyric management app.

There are plenty of lyric resources out there, which are accessible from Poweramp via third-party apps during playback, so it would seem pointless for Poweramp to create its own database any more than it would be worth creating a cover-art repository for Poweramp users' songs.


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