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Skip Song with Volume Buttons not working if screen is off

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I enabled the option to control next/previous song with Volume Buttons via ADB. I noticed that this feature isn't working on my A55 when the screen is off. If the screen turns on (even if the phone is locked), it is working. Is that common?

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I've tested it and can confirm it. But AOD needs to be set as always visible. Otherwise it will not work.

Still confuses me, because i think it was working on my M30s with Android 11 before. Any other ideas?

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It's a different phone, with a different Android version and a different ROM. It may behave differently, especially when it comes to tweaky non-standard options such as this. It operates the same way for me on a  Samsung A54/Android 14 (i.e. volume long-press does not work when the screen is completely off).


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