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Song art embedding feature

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Plz add the embedding of song arts to actual song files, Not just in the app, but the ability to modify the actual song arts, I realize there's a problem for android 13 and above, but there's got to be a way to add this, plz consider this request and add the feature because it's highly requested, all my friends that use power amp want this added

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Please get all of your Poweramp-using friends to vote for this in the Features Requests list, to move it up in the order a bit.

It's quite close to the bottom of the list at the moment, perhaps because it's already easy enough to do in a full tag editor program?


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@Khalilos As I said, please add your votes to the Feature Request to get it pushed further up the list. It's not something that's currently anywhere near imminent anyway.  In the meantime, it might be worth looking at some of the other threads linked from the Voting item, such as:



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