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All Album Songs are either "Double" or in A to Z order


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ALL the songs on every album are either "doubled up"
They've been resorted alphabetically - not in the correct song order on the album

See screenshots

Please advise


Build - 987- bundle-play- (987004-21ee9bd7)
Samsung A50S


Poweramp Problems - Sept 24  (1).jpg

Poweramp Problems - Sept 24  (2).jpg

Poweramp Problems - Sept 24  (3).jpg

Poweramp Problems - Sept 24  (4).jpg

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If the songs are doubled up, that means two versions of the song file exist in your device and have been scanned into the library. Long-press on some of the duplicates and use Info/Tags to check the directory path for each individual song. Then you can remove the duplicates from your file system. One common cause of this sort of thing is if you have a Recycle feature set up on your device, and you have allowed PA to scan the recycled items too. If so, either empty the recycle bin or disable scanning of it in PA Settings=>Library=>Music Folders. 

The order of display of songs can be configured using the three-dots menu in the song list and then select List Options. You probably want to use Track#. Note: If your songs are not tagged with valid track numbers, PA will fallback to using alphabetical order.


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