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@Lucky Mehra321 what is the corruption to the file and can you send us it for tests (gpmaxmpz@gmail.com) with the details on what happened? As for features, no matter how many options we have it's always possible to imagine +1 option which is not there. Feel free to vote for the new features on this forum - they are definitely going to be implemented in the voted priority.

I can't say why it doesn't support 384khz for you based on info you provided, but usually it's due to attempt to use DVC + hi-res.

Not sure what do you want to show by the video? The search results are always played immediately as you press play. If you want to enqueue them, you can do it too. Poweramp focused on playing the target category or categories directly without building intermediate playing lists all the time - because it works better for the huge libraries and direct folder-like playback approach, but the number 1 voted feature is to visualize such current played "list" to be able to manipulate it - and it will be done in the way not possible with other players (as whole library is visible there - i.e. 20k+ tracks easily).

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So you are not going to add even a small feature auto queue,it is very useful i you add this, i purchased this app because i think i can get the better environment of music library in this app.Auto queue is a very common features usually used by overall all players in the market.

And lastly why not a lyrics tag editor and albumart editor i have to use other players for editing synced lyrics and albumart even a free app with lot of, ads provide this lol.And app call 'Tag editor' done this job properly.

I am completely shocked the player has too many features but not these common features, lol.

If i get a refund, i will shift to open source music players.There are a variety of them.


Edited by Lucky Mehra321
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First, Poweramp provides a generous free trial period during which you can determine whether its feature set and general method of working are for you or not. Once you are happy with it, you can purchase the app to continue using it - or it you don't feel it's for you, then just walk away. Poweramp does not generally copy other apps' features, it is its own entity created over 15+ years of development, and if you don't like that then don't buy it after the trial period. If you are offered a two-week test drive of a car, it's a bit churlish to buy it at the end of the trial and then a few weeks later complain that it has a manual gearbox transmission when you wanted automatic.

Poweramp is, and always has been, a Library based player which normally plays music sequentially based on the Category order that you select (e.g. by album, or folder, or Recently Added, etc). If left to its own devices and without shuffling, it will continue to play through your entire library that way. The app does also offer a Queue mode which allows you to temporarily build a list of individual (i.e. unconnected) songs which you wish to hear as a departure from regular category playback. The Queue behaves rather like a temporary playlist, and can be re-ordered, added to, or have songs removed ad hoc - unlike Category based playback, which is always sorted using the List Options ordering that you have defined for that Category - such as by Track#, folder path, or just alphabetically. The queue is temporary and transient, and is considered a departure from regular playback, which you would have discovered during the trial period of course.

I'm not sure what you mean by "auto queue". However if it is what I think you are asking, there is an option to reconfigure the action of tapping on a song so that instead of playback starting immediately, the song is added to the end of the temporary Queue and you can build up more songs before you start listening (or during listening if you wish). It's a shortcut mode that avoids the extra tap of long-pressing on the song title and then tapping '>>Queue'. See Settings=>Library=>Lists=>List Item Click Action to configure how a single tap on a song should behave.

If you want a more permanent song list that you can continue to curate and manipulate, use a Playlist instead. This is added to by using the '+Playlist' button rather than '>>Queue', and can be done for song(s), albums(s), folder(s), or almost any musical selection you want. Playlists can be manipulated in the same way that the Queue can - e.g. add, remove, move selected songs, or completely re-sort - and you can use a playlist's List Options menu to have Poweramp remember the last-played song within that list so you can return to exactly where you left off even weeks or months later.


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To briefly cover some of your other more specific points:

Synchronised and embedded lyric display has only been a feature in Poweramp relatively recently; it was the last major feature addition really. Although PA is NOT intended to be a karaoke player, it does allow lyrics to be sourced from external (third-party) apps, or to use text embedded inside the actual audio files or using sidecar .LRC files. PA does not source lyrics for itself though, they need to be provided externally (even by Google search if you wish). There are plenty of dedicated tag and lyric editors out there that can do what you want though (I like MP3Tag and TagScanner) so re-inventing the wheel inside a music player may not be the highest priority. The included basic tag editor does not currently support embedding complex lyric data (nor cover artwork) but both of these are requested features and may appear in the future. Remember there is only one developer of this app though, and a very long list of features that people have asked for, so you may need to be patient. Add your votes to the Feature Requests list. You asking for just "one small feature" is already behind hundreds of other people asking why their own "small feature" can't be added - but put them together and they turn into multiple years of work, even if nothing else is done at all.

High-res Output is very much dependent not only on a device's chipset, but also on the way its Android implementation has been written and configured. If you provide device and ROM details it might be possible to offer further advice. For example the Android 14 update on my Samsung Galaxy A54 phone broke the Experimental High-Res mode completely, and I now use AAudio output instead.  And some devices do not allow you to run DVC and very high resolutions at the same time, so if you specifically want 384kHz you could try turning DVC mode off (personally as I'm not a bat, I'd prefer to enable DVC and use lower frequency outputs, but that's a personal choice). The Audio Info display will show exactly how PA is processing the audio and how Android is ultimately sending it to your headset, DAC, etc. 


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