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new Galaxy A35 power plays on phone after android auto disconnecting

Don S.
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Hi I have a new Samsung Galaxy A35 phone and when I shut the car off Poweramp plays on my phone. I searched the forum but didn't find an answer. It never happened with old phone Moto G power 5G. I have looked through the fast settings and not able to find any that will stop this. Thanks in advance for assistance.


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Hi Thanks for responses.

Andrewiley:I am connected via Android Auto Wireless to Sony AX4000. It does not play if play playback is paused from either the phone or my Sony before car shutoff.

6b6561: I didn't have "Pause On Headset Disconnect" enabled because it was under Bluetooth headset and not Android Auto. But I will try that enabled and see.

Thanks D


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6b6561: I didn't have "Pause On Headset Disconnect" enabled because it was under Bluetooth headset and not Android Auto. But I will try that enabled and see.

This seems to have worked. Thanks again.

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I let my flawed logic interfere the actual logic. Thanks again to all. Love the Sony Ax4000 and A35 combo. At first there was a lot of stuttering during play back but recent updates to Android Auto and PA seems to have remedied that.  I guess it was a newer model phone because never had issues with Moto G Power 5G . Happy listening and safe travels to all.

My thanks again for your patience with me.


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