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I've been away on holiday for a few weeks and just been catching up in more detail with some of the discussions on Feature Packs. Specific issues obviously need to be raised separately, but I thought it might be a nice idea to have a general discussion thread on this subject.

My own first comment (purely as a user, not a forum staff member) is that the first pack comes over as a little "ad hoc". I think for the past 12 months we had all assumed that the packs would have some sort of common theming based on items in the Feature Voting list - e.g. a Player Screen enhancements pack, a Library View enhancement pack, an Outputs pack, a DSP/EQ feature pack, etc. However the contents of Feature Pack #1 seem pretty random and relatively trivial in the big scheme of overall Feature Requests. And at what point would it be considered "full", and Feature Pack #2 commences?

So I'm not really sure what the USP for Feature Pack #1 actually is. From a user point of view, I can't see the logic in being able to 'Hide Unknown Albums' via the core app as I've always done, but I need to buy a separate Feature Pack to use the exact companion 'Hide Unknown Artists' item, which in the user-world would seem to be two almost identical features. It seems more logical to me that either both of them should be in a Feature Pack, or both should be part of the core app.

Anyway, what are other users' thoughts and wishes regarding Feature Packs? 


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1 hour ago, MavRik said:

I will rather they add the ability of third party skins to theme the setting section of the app. 

Not really anything to do with Feature Packs - and anyway, the Setting pages are occasional use and I don't really see the point in spending much time on carefully skinning them beyond perhaps matching the background colour and text attributes. To be honest, just dark or light seems sufficient for me.


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