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Track Numbers Showing in song title


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Build Number: build-967-bundle-play [976004 c2601e58] fill version

Hiby R4 - Android 12


First time posting here, so apologies if I have missed anything or ask any stupid questions. I also couldn't find any prior posts with similar issues so sorry if I am making any obvious errors. 

I am in the process of setting up Poweramp on my Hiby R4 and noticed that some albums show the track numbers in the song name and the track number metadata section. I have checked on the tag editor in Poweramp and in Musicolet to see if the titles can be editedto remove this from appearing twice, but as you can see in my screenshot - the number does not appear and therefore can't be edited out. 

You can see that the filename itself includes the number but I can't seem to find a way to edit this either. It's frustrating as clearly the app is removing the number from the editing section of the tag section, but then shows it regardless. Minor issue, I know - but if anyone can offer any advice please do!






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First, that's quite an old build so I suggest updating when you get a chance.

Have you tried a Full Rescan in case for some reason the tag data was not read correctly during the last scan, and the title is being used instead? However in case case I would have expected the same display as if "Filename as Title" was enabled, which would show the full filename including the extender too.

If that does not solve it, could you upload a sample file for checking.


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I had a go at the most recent file that you uploaded and I can't replicate the double track number issue that you have. I have also looked at the meta data and as far as I can tell there isn't any issues there either. Unfortunately I'm quite new to aac and m4a containers, but I had a crash course on the topic last week when I was desperate with my car stereo and considered to bulk convert my library into aac...

Do you happen to have the same issue with some .mp3's? Could be easier to look into.


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@6b6561 Unfortunately almost all of my library is AAC so I can't send over an MP3 example.

i think I may have found a fix though. By going to settings > library > lists and switching from 'separate number' to 'in the title' and then back again seems to fix the issue. Seems a little strange, but it works!

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56 minutes ago, Rupert said:

By going to settings > library > lists and switching from 'separate number' to 'in the title' and then back again seems to fix the issue. Seems a little strange, but it works!

Strange indeed. I had discounted that setting as being the issue, as your examples already showed the separate smaller number being displayed to the left of the title string. As that control specifically turns off the "in the title" numbering mode, it should not have been possible for both to be active at the same time. Maybe something got stuck from a previous change? We might never know! But I don't think it was down to the files, they do seem OK.


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2 hours ago, Rupert said:

can't fix this by editing the tags as they are showing correctly in the tags

Are you using a separate program for viewing and editing the metadata? If you could check this on a computer with something like mp3tag (available for free on PC and relatively inexpensive for MAC) you will be able to see what tags are where. It looks like you have a mix of mp3 and m4a files so having errors in both types leads me to think it is something common in your tagging to look at.

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