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navigation bar hiding or moving request

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I'm using a tablet to listen to music as shown in the file below, if I can hide the navigation bar or move it to the right side, I'll have larger place for the album art, and look better. I cant find the related setting.


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@uro244 Yaps is the only kin that  offers the capabilty to design your own layout. You would be able to move the navbar to the right and reduce its width.


Here is an example


1. adjust albumart size.
2. adjust  horizontal position of navbar so it fits between albumart and right edge of screen. Setting the right margin wil shorten the navbar
3. adjust  horizontal position of seekbar (if you want to show it) to fit between albumart and right edge. Seekbar width/height can be adjusted through the seekbar menu
4. adjust horizontal position of buttons to fit between albumart and right edge. adjust right margin to balance position
5. move MetaInfo to center between albumart and right hand side (or anywhere where you prefer)
6. move Track Counter to center between albumart and right hand side (or anywhere where you prefer)
7. move wavseek and play buttons to center between albumart and right hand side 
8. move elapsed and duration into horizontal and vertical positions


On top of all this you can customise nearly everything, play buttons, waveseek choices, navbar icons fonts, font sizes etc etc


Edited by flyingdutchman
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