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Poweramp keeps wanting to play a Christmas album I found in search a week ago.

Go to solution Solved by andrewilley,

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OK, I know that title doesn't make a lot of sense, but here's the full story:

About a week ago, I searched in Poweramp for a song, and came across a Christmas album in my library with the same name. I didn't recognize the album, so I tapped on the name, then once I saw the tracklist, I remembered having this album, so I exited back out (without playing any songs) and played the original song I was looking for.

Now, when I play any kind of playlist, folder, or album (usually on shuffle, but sometimes in the standard order), about 75% of the time, Poweramp will play the first track of the correct playlist/folder/album, but then Poweramp switches to that same Christmas album, and continues to play that album from there. It doesn't happen every single time, but more often than not, and definitely often enough to be annoying.

  • Poweramp build number: build-976-bundle-play [976004-c2601e58] Full Version 64-bit
  • Pixel 6a
  • Android 14
  • Not sure this is reproducible, I've never encountered anything like this before. Maybe search for an album, enter it, back out of it without playing, then try to play another album.

Thanks for looking into this! I'm sending a log from the app soon as well.

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  • Solution

You have probably enqueued the Christmas album, and PA is trying to continue to play your requested music.

Go to Library=>Queue where you will see the planned songs, then tap the menu icon and select 'Clear Queue'.


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Aha, that was it! I had disabled the Queue button from my library, as I never use it, and I had no idea this could happen. I was sure I had found some kind of crazy bug. Thanks for the help!

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