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Hello..I have a problem with my bookmarks. When I am listening to a long DJ set of an hour or two and press on a bookmark- let's say at 1hr..then if I press on another bookmark(on the same DJ Set) at say 30 minutes-IT DOES NOT GO TO THE 30 MINUTE BOOKMARK-it stays where you were at 1hour..so what then is the point of bookmarks? You have to go out of that specific Set(song file),click on another song file and then go back to the other 1..that's useless..

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  • Solution

Clicking on an already-playing track does not by default override the user's current playback position. You can configure PA so that does happen though, using Settings=>Library=>Lists=>Click Restarts Track. The will mean that when you click on an already-playing track in a list, it will start that track again (or start at a Bookmarked position if that's what you click on).


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