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can we get one more setting for skipping tracks pls

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when I use power amp my phone is in my pocket most of the time. so I use the volume keys to go to the next or previous track. i basicly would like to be able to go directly to the previous track by holding the volume button down only once. but getting to the previous track is so hard considering you have to hold it down to go to the start of the current track fist and then you have only like less than a second to hold down the volume key again and if you're lucky you get to go to the previous track and it's so annoying cuz it its already hard enough to find your phone buttons in your pocket in the first place and then you have to do like a mini game in your pocket just to get to the previous track where you actually don't want to focus on your phone too much but more on your environment when you are outside but this forces me sometimes to even pull out my phone and manually change the track. its just so inconvenient and could be solved with one simple check Mark setting. pls im begging you to considder my request. thank you

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